Sunday, January 18, 2009

Father - Son Insult Fest

Adam and I had a bit of a good natured insult war going on tonight.  I started it and he ended it...or I did by saying it was time to go see Grandma and Grandpa Hall.

If you take the time to read through this, our comments are prefaced with our name.   If there is a comment without a name in front, it was made by the same person as the line above.  I was using my Blackberry and Adam was at the computer in the kitchen.  Read on and enjoy.  I need to go ice my thumbs!

James: Nerd
Adam: No you are.
James: Lol
No! You are!!!
Adam: No you are I am cool.
James: Cool as an ice cube
Adam: No that's you I am the other cool.
James: Animal killer!
Gun shooter!
Adam: Hunting critizizer.
James: Game player
Brownie eater!
Book reader!
Adam: Blackberry lover.
James: Computer typer!
Pot licker
Glasses wearer
Adam: Bberry typer. Blackberry licker.
James: Backyard hunter
Adam: Downstairs worker.
James: Cave dweller
Adam: "Foxburrow" builder.
James: Carnivor
Adam: Omnivore.
James: Herbivore
Adam: Computerer.
James: Show watcher
Adam: TV hog.
James: Fisherman
Adam: Camper.
James: Hiker
Adam: Pointy hair.
James: Fuzzy
Butcher boy
Pea huck
Adam: Booger. Goober pea eater.
Sent at 6:51 PM on Sunday
James: Crab eater
Adam: Goober.
James: Sponge Bob Square Nose!
Adam: Sponge Bob sguare brain.
James: Controller freak
Barbie watcher
Adam: Poohbear watcher.
James: Jeremiah Johnson watcher!
Adam: Cops wATCHER.
James: Mountain Man wannabe
Brady bunch lover
Napoleon Dancer
Adam: Blackberry lover.
James: Makeup wearer
Baseball player
Elk stalker
Adam: Pampered Chef
James: Turkey caller
Adam: Pig caller.
James: Future missionary
Adam: Future old missionary.
James: Cheese eater
Adam: cow killer
James: Cheese cutter
Adam: Cow eater
Pumkin killer
James: Jamba wanter
Adam: Jamba eater
James: Snow cave builder
Adam: Hair dude
James: Eskimo wannabe
Caribou kisser
Adam: Always scouting wannabe
Netflix wanter
Netflix paper frog maker
James: Angel lover
Mathis heroer
Adam: A's lover
James: Red Sox hater
Adam: Eckersly, Mckguire, and Canseco heroer.
James: House killer
Adam: Yankees hater.
James: Bat boy
Adam: Bat girl
James: Catcher!
Adam: Screamer
James: Nancy!
Adam: Pancy
Everyword speaker
James: Bit talker
Byte sayer
Adam: Pillow lover
James: Bytheway listener
Adam: Shower lover
James: Bubble maker
Adam: Apostle listener
Booger maker
James: prophet follower
Adam: same as youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Baby talker
James: Baby changer
Adam: Baby thrower
James: Upchucker
Adam: diaper changer
James: Sneezer
Adam: Hungarian partridge
James: Gun wanter
Pronghorn dorkelope
Adam: Make me get it maker
James: Moose Twit!
Adam: Bear bather
James: Elk eater
Bantha fodder
Adam: Sly dog
rebel scum
James: Snuffleupagus
Adam: Big bird
James: Barney
Adam: Cookie monster
James: Princess Leah
Adam: Bj Baby bop
Ham Solo
Darth Tader
James: Bert and Ernie
Adam: Oscar
James: Cuke Skywalker
Adam: Grover
James: Grover
Adam: Princess Lettuce
James: Beaker
Mrs potato head
Adam: C3- Peanuts
Angry eyes
James: Monkey chow
Evil indy
Adam: Little bow peap
James: Sheep loser
Adam: Rex
James: Woody
Adam: Arm loser. Yodeler
James: Stinky pete
Adam: Bullseye
James: Rider in the sky
Too slim
Adam: Bull in a china shop
James: Smelly bugger
Adam: Bull in a China soap
James: Soy bean hater
Adam: Edemomey
dobe Reader
James: Bunk bed sleeper
Adam: Adobe reader 9
James: Tent liver
Adam: Queen
bed sleeper
James: Smack typer
Adam: snoring beauty
James: Stink or smell
Adam: Shrek
Snow black
James: Kiss your whole facer
Adam: Donkey
James: Puss I boots
Adam: Puss in Boots
James: In
Adam: Fairy God mother
Evil sister
James: Prince Charming
Adam: Tomato lover
James: Not!
Adam: Onion
James: Tomato milkshake drinker
Adam: That is them
Indiana bone
indiana cones
James: Girlfriend smoocher
Adam: Ka cheega
James: Mater
Miss piggy
Adam: The king. Jamie the ant
James: Animal
Adam: Fuzzy bear
James: Dress wearer
Adam: Dress Designer
American Idol champion wannabe
James: Captain underpants
Adam: Captain underwear
King of pants
James: Captain chaos
Adam: Fake dog scat maker
James: Ipod listener
Scat sniffer
Adam: Ipod buyer
James: Scat eater
Stay up too later
Adam: Iphone wannahave
James: Any phone wannahave!
Adam: New car wannaget
James: Nose runner
Adam: Lao che
Goober picker
James: Any car wanna get
Adam: Goober growing
James: Lollipop licker
Adam: Lollipop maker
James: Oompa Loompa
Adam: Lollipop princess
Chocolate factory wannahave
James: You throw like a girl
Adam: Yo play ball like a girl
James: Play ball like a girl
Yogurt eater
Adam: You run like a girl
Mom runs like a 2 year old
James: You smell like a wookie
Adam: You smell like a wet dog
James: Armpit sniffer
Adam: Tooter
James: Horn blower
Adam: Cuzou player
James: Lawn mower
Adam: Car drier
James: Ankle biter
Adam: Hankie blower
James: Squash lover
Adam: Potato hater
James: Toilet scrubber
Pooch smoocher
Adam: Smelliot
James: Sid hair wanter
Adam: Sid the science kid
James: Science kid wannabe
Shuttle launcher
Pilot wannabe
Adam: Buh na na na nuw
James: Hymn singer
Talk giver
Adam: Choir singer wannabe
Chapel lover
James: Hunting video maker
Adam: "I pay my tithing every week"
James: Brownie eater
Adam: Toe eater
Booger eater
James: Slow typer
Adam: Slow thinker
James: Telletubby
Adam: Tinker toy
James: Tinky winky
Adam: Po Tinky winky
James: La la
Adam: La La
James: Nu nu
Adam: Teletubbie
Tubby custard
James: Tank engine
Adam: Tubby toast
James: Diesel
Adam: Barnie wannabe
James: Dinasoar poop
Adam: Recycle Bin
Dino crap
James: Garbage can dweller
Adam: Egg orange juice drinker
James: Mustard water drinker
Adam: Napeleoan Dynamite
James: Ketchup water drinker
Trout fisher
Adam: Salmon fishier wannabe
James: Rock Lobster
Adam: Red Lobster
Crab crap
James: Chinese Gourmet
Adam: Jammers wearer
James: Fish gill
Adam: Got to go
Sent at 7:33 PM on Sunday