Monday, May 21, 2007

2007 Jamborall

What a great weekend! We took the scouts to the Trapper Trails Council 2007 Jamborall this past Friday and Saturday. We had a great evening of fireworks and star gazing. There were several huge telescopes setup on in the parking lot and we were able to see many incredible things. One telescope was setup to look at the moon. It was incredible! I have never seen such detail when looking at the moon. We even got to see a cloud move in front of the moon.

What got us interested in going over to the telescope area was a gentleman who came over and asked if we wanted to see the rings of Saturn. As soon as the fireworks were over we headed straight for the telescopes. What an amazing view of Saturn. I had never seen the rings of Saturn other than in pictures. What an awesome sight it was! I need to set some money aside and save up to purchase a nice telescope.

On Saturday I spent most of the day in the Museum building with the scouts watching over our booth. We setup a Collections Merit Badge Booth. Several of the boys brought a collection of something to show. The hit of our booth was one boy's rubber band ball. He has created this ball entirely of rubber bands over the past two and a half years. It is now the size of a basket ball. There was no shortage of amazed people.

We also had baseball cards, models planes and ships, Yugioh cards, a Mickey Mouse collection and little cars from the movie Cars. It was a fun time had by all. The scouts took turns working the booth and running around seeing what other things were going on.

Marni brought our children and one other scout and they had a great day. My parents are part of a train club and they brought their trains to setup and show for the scouts as well. It was fun for our kids to have Grandma and Grandpa there. It was a long and hot couple of days but we all had a great time.

A highlight for me was to have an Apache Helicopter fly over and land in the morning before the flag ceremony. Unfortunately the helicopter was early and my kids missed it.

Now we look forward to OA Ordeal, Woodbadge, and Youth Conference in June, Scout Camp in July, and the District Fall Camporee in September.

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